Big tech under accusation, consume more energy than Greece and Portugal

Karma Metrix ESG Observatory: in 2020 Facebook, Amazon, Apple, Netflix and Google "burned" 49.7 million megawatt hours against 16.6 in 2018. Black jersey to Jeff Bezos' company that records the strongest growth in CO2 emissions 26 May 2022 L. O.

If the Internet were a nation – says the Global Carbon Project – it would be the fourth most polluting in the world". And the confirmation comes from the analysis carried out by the ESG Karma Metrix Observatory on the sustainability reports of the "Faang" – Facebook, Apple, Amazon, Netflix, Google – according to which in one year the five Big Tech consumed an amount of energy equal to 49.7 million megawatt hours (MWh), higher than Portugal (48.4 million MWh) and Greece (46.2 million MWh), and almost like Romania (50 million MWh). Index of topics • Tripled CO2 emissions • The "green" strategies of Apple and Google • The ranking of the most polluting companies CO2 emissions tripled From 2018 to 2020, the energy consumption of the five American giants listed on the Nasdaq almost tripled. Moreover, according to the analysis, presented by in view of World Environment Day, in the last three years the 5 technology companies have emitted 98.7 million tons of CO2, more than the whole Czech Republic (92.1), with an aggregate increase in total emissions of 17% from 2018 to 2020.

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